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Wixams Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Our Vision, Ethos and Values

Wixams Academy offers academic excellence, attentive pastoral support and a thriving co-curricular programme, allowing pupils to become the best version of themselves. As a member of the Knowledge Schools Trust, we are driven by a common desire to overcome inequality of opportunity through education. Our school environment fosters in pupils three Core Values, which we promote at every opportunity:  

Hard Work 
High Standards


We teach a rigorous, knowledge-rich curriculum to all pupils, irrespective of background. This curriculum introduces pupils to the best and most important work in the humanities and sciences, preparing them to participate fully in debates about contemporary issues, as well as the universal questions that have interested humankind throughout history. Pupils make exceptional progress at Wixams Academy, with around 50% of our GCSE entries graded a 5 or above in Maths and English which will likely place Wixams Academy in the top third of state schools in Bedford Borough and wider Bedfordshire. Most importantly, our pupils leave school with confidence and poise, possessing a treasure trove of essential knowledge, allowing them to understand both themselves and the world they inhabit.  


Pupil success at Wixams Academy is underpinned by outstanding pastoral support, high standards of behaviour, and rewards for those who exemplify our values. A spirit of membership and friendly competition is encouraged through our House System, that runs through all year groups. Our Personal Development Curriculum promotes polite debate and provides pupils with tools to navigate the path to adulthood. With our thriving programme, pupils also thrive in the arts and sport, and we expect all pupils to contribute to the wider life of the school. 
