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Wixams Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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First Aid and Medical Care

Wixams Academy will provide first aid and medical care in accordance with Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy.

A qualified first aider will notify parent/carers if their child is so unwell that they require immediate collection from school. Students are not permitted to make this decision – they must not phone or text parent/carers and request to be collected. If a student is unwell, they must report to the main office during break or lunchtime, where they will be assessed and appropriate action taken.

First Aiders in school cannot diagnose medical conditions. They are trained to assess whether or not a child or young person is fit enough to attend lessons. If this is deemed not to be so, it is the parent / carer’s responsibility to take over immediate care of the student.

Health and Safety: Medication to Students

It is important for us to advise you that we are not able to accept the responsibility of administering medication to students. First aid staff will supervise pupils, and staff will administer EpiPens in an emergency.

If your child requires regular medication, where possible, please administer it at home. If short-term medication is required during the school day, i.e. antibiotics, it must be handed in at the Office together with written details of the dose, frequency and any other information. All medication, including painkillers, is covered by this requirement. If your child suffers from asthma and uses an inhaler, they should carry this with them. If possible, a second pump should be provided to school as a back up. It is important that any student prescribed an EpiPen keeps this on them and an in-date reserve provided to the academy.

To minimise disruption to learning, students should attend the Office at either break or lunchtime; they should not come out of lessons to take medication.
