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Wixams Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Wixams Academy PTA was formed shortly after the school opened in September 2017. We are a small band of enthusiastic parents, grandparents, carers and teachers who work together with the school to raise funds and put on events to enhance the lives of the students and families of the Academy.

During our first year we have provided the students with social events such as movie nights, an end of year disco and the Wixams Academy’s first summer fete. We also endeavour to support the Academy during concerts, open days and parents evenings. Last year we worked hard to raise funds through our events, and this year we will work with teachers to decide how best the money should be spent for the benefit of current and future children at the Academy.

We run on parent and carer power! We know life is busy; even if you are unable to commit to every meeting (or any!) but can offer support or skills, please can you let us know? The more support we get, the more we can do!

If you would like to get involved, please come along to one of our evening meetings or coffee mornings (details sent out via ParentMail), or you can reach us at pta@wixamsacademy.co.uk or join our Facebook Group “Wixams Academy PTA”.

Dani Higginson (Chair)

