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Wixams Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Religious Education – Meet the team

Mrs Loynes - Subject Lead for RE and PSHE

Curriculum Intent

The principal aim of Religious Education at Wixams Academy is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. We want to inspire students to engage with a wide range of topics which may impact them in their future lives. It aims to not only educate pupils about the religious and non-religious worldviews in Britain (and the wider world) but also with key issues which are prevalent in today’s society whilst providing students with a safe space to ask questions about issues that may concern them. We follow the key principles of the Locally Agreed Syllabus and use this as a basis for the majority of our curriculum.

Key Features

At Key Stage 3

We follow the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Bedfordshire. We have chosen the following units which students explore through KS3.

  • Worship – how and why do people worship?
  • Religion and Science – are religion and science in conflict?
  • Life after death – what happens when we die?
  • Should Christians be greener? – how should we look after the environment?
  • Buddhism – What do Buddhists believe/practice?
  • Why do people suffer?
  • How do we make our community a more respectful space? Looking at anti-racist RE.
  • Potential trips – Places of worship.

At Key Stage 4

Students follow the GCSE syllabus set out by AQA Religious Studies A

Component one: Beliefs, teachings and practices from:

  • Christianity
  • Islam

 Component two: Four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes:

  • Theme A: Relationships and families.
  • Theme B: Religion and life.
  • Theme C: The existence of God and revelation.
  • Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment. 

Wixams Academy follows the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Studies up until 18 years of age in line with the National Legal requirements. This syllabus is inclusive and broad-minded. Students in KS4 have the option to study GCSE Religious Studies alongside their compulsory Personal Development lessons. 

We are also a member of the NATRE (National Association for Teachers of Religious Education).


Religious Education Five Year Plan

Coming shortly.
