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Wixams Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Our Safeguarding Policy can be found here.

Safeguarding Statement

Wixams Academy are committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of every pupil.  All our staff, governors and volunteers share this commitment.

Pupils are aware that they can talk to any member of staff if they have any concerns.  All staff are trained in Safeguarding on an annual basis allowing staff to understand the signs that a child may be at risk of harm.  We sometimes need to share information with external agencies about our pupils but where concerns are raised, discussions will take place with parents/carers first, unless we believe that this would be of detriment to the child’s welfare. If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a child please contact a DSL immediately.

If you have any concerns that a student may be at risk of harm, report it immediately to the Designated Persons (DSL) for child protection, listed below, who can be contacted during school hours via the Academy’s Reception, or via the following email addresses:


Role Name Contact Details Photo
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) & Assistant Headteacher (Safeguarding, Inclusion & Attendance Dean Dummett

ddummett@wixamsacademy.co. uk

(01234 608950)

Deputy DSL & Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Pastoral)

Andrew O’Rourke




Deputy DSL & Key Stage 4 Lead

Natasha Biddles


Deputy DSL & Key Stage 3 Lead

Julie Kavanagh



Deputy DSL & Safeguarding Officer

Leigh-Anna Perkins 




Lucy Bonforte


Deputy DSL & Head of Year 7

Victoria Adesina 


Deputy DSL & Head of Year 10 Nicola Catling



Deputy DSL & Head of Year 11 Jamie Stevens



Deputy DSL & Assistant Head of 6th Form

Sabina Rahman



Safety Information for Visitors

We hope that your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe. Please help us by reading and complying with the guidance contained in this leaflet, which is intended to ensure your health and safety whilst at Wixams Academy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.


All visitors and contractors coming in to the academy must sign in at Reception. Please ensure your visitors pass and lanyard are clearly visible.

If you are working unsupervised with students, you will be asked to produce your DBS certificate or details thereof, together with proof of identification, ie Passport or driving licence. Without this you may not be granted access.

Mobile Phones/Photographs

Visitors may not use mobile phones on site, including taking photographs of the Academy, staff or students.

Fire and Evacuation

  • Your host will explain what to do in the case of emergencies and fire alarms.
  • The alarm is a continuous bell. You must leave the building by the fire exit in the dining hall.
  • Stay with your host as they will escort you to the assembly point and ensure that you are recorded as present.
  • Do not take any personal risks.
  • You must not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.

First Aid

If you need first aid or feel unwell please report to the Academy’s Reception.


  • Contractors must ensure that they follow any health and safety guidelines that may apply. By doing so, you will assist us in meeting the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
  • Contractors working within school hours must hold a valid DBS enhanced disclosure certificate and produce a copy or details thereof.

Smoking and Vaping

Wixams Academy operates a no smoking policy. Please do not smoke or vape anywhere on the academy site.

Car Parking

  • All vehicles and their contents are left at the owner’s risk.
  • Please observe the speed limit of 10mph.


Ofsted definition:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
  • It is everyone’s responsibility to RECOGNISE and RESPOND to any concerns about the welfare of a child or young person. 

Safeguarding Guidance for Staff and Visitors to the Academy

Adults visiting or working on the academy site play an important part in the life of the academy. Please observe the following guidelines:

  • Do not initiate verbal or physical contact with students unless it is appropriate and a part of the agreed reason for your visit.
  • Do not give any personal information to students, such as your mobile number or email address.
  • Do not give students details of your personal social network accounts or engage in any communication with students using social networking sites.
  • If a student makes a disclosure to you, do not promise confidentiality; explain that you will need to talk to someone else. Inform the designated senior person for child protection.


Emergency Contact Numbers

Academy Reception: 01234 608950

Site team: 07803 266571

IFD/Integrated front door: email: multiagency@bedford.gov.uk or call 01234 718700 (office hours) or 0300 300 8123 (out of hours)

Local authority Designated Officer (LADO): lado@bedford.gov.uk or call 01234 276693 

NSPCC Whistleblowing: email: help@nspcc.org.uk or call 0800 028 0285

If there is an allegation made against a member of staff, you must pass this on to the Headteacher, Nathaniel Wilson.

If an allegation is made against the Headteacher, the Chair of the Local Advisory Board must be informed: Chair of LAB, Wixams Academy, Green Lane, Wixams, Bedford MK42 6BA

If an allegation is made against the Chair of LAB, the KST Chair must be contacted: The KST Chair, Knowledge Schools Trust, 241 King Street Hammersmith, London W6 9LP

Thank you for helping to keep Wixams Academy safe.

Online Safety Information for Parents and Students

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command




National Online Safety


Please see a collection of resources supporting the emotional wellbeing of children & young people and those supporting them. To find out more, please visit: https://localoffer.bedford.gov.uk/mentalhealthhub

How you feel matters

HOW YOU FEEL MATTERS poster for children and young people.

This poster highlights for children and young people the importance in talking, trying to talk to their school mental health lead, counsellor, doctor, friend, family, trusted adult. Click here to download it.

Click here for a poster on our October 2024 Mental Health Day. 


Operaration Encompass

From February 2022 our school is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse. Operation Encompass means that the police will share information about Domestic Abuse incidents with our school PRIOR to the start of the next school day when they have been called to a domestic incident.

Our parents are fully aware that we are an Operation Encompass school. The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.

The DSL has also led training for all school staff and Governors about Operation Encompass, the prevalence of Domestic Abuse and the impact of this abuse on children. We have also discussed how we can support our children following the Operation Encompass notification. We are aware that we must do nothing that puts the child/ren or the non-abusing adult at risk.

The Safeguarding Governor will report on Operation Encompass in the termly report to Governors. All information is anonymised for these reports. The DSL has used the Operation Encompass Toolkit to ensure that all appropriate actions have been taken by the school. As a school we feel it vital that we work alongside Bedfordshire Police and Bedford Borough Council to achieve these aims.

If you would like more information about the Scheme or support that can be offered around Domestic Abuse please visit their website at www.operationencompass.org, or speak with myself or a DSL.

Nathaniel Wilson
