Welcome to the Drama department – Meet the team

Mrs N Catling & Mrs L Pearson

Lindsey Pearson

We aim to inspire students into a passion for Drama and Performing, where students along the way build their confidence, improve their team-work skills and explore social, cultural, ethical and political issues.

We want to support and promote opportunities for elite performers to succeed and develop and reach the highest levels in Drama.

Drama Curriculum Intent

Subject Curriculum Intent: Our Drama Curriculum enables students to explore the awareness of themselves and of others in a context of the world around them. Whilst developing their own self-awareness we aim to inspire students to develop a passion and enthusiasm for Drama and Performing. The skills that they will learn and apply along the way allow the building of self-confidence and the development of the ability to interact positively with others. At KS3 students will use their Drama lessons to not only learn the basics behind acting and performance but to also improve their verbal, language, listening and communication skills, all of which will support them with accessing the rest of the National Curriculum. The 5-year plan allows students to access a wide variety of styles, skills and plays which will broaden their knowledge and understanding throughout all years of their learning.

Students in Year 7, through fortnightly lessons will focus on a ‘BASELINE ASSESSMENT AND INITIAL SKILLS’ in the Autumn Term to allow them to understand the basics of the art before moving on to an application of these Mrs N Catling (Head of Subject) Mrs L Pearson skills through their final 2 topics of ‘INTRODUCTION TO SKILLS’ and ‘STORYTELLING’. This leads nicely into Year 8 where students on a fortnightly basis will APPLY their current skill set to an advanced understanding of ‘STIMULUS EXPLORATION’, ‘PAGE TO STAGE- BLOOD BROTHERS’ and ‘PHYSICAL THEATRE’ which will enable students to enter the GCSE Drama with a broad and developed knowledge of Drama.

Students will be assessed on a termly basis where their skills in Creating, Performing and Evaluating will be graded based on the Wixams’ End Point Map for Drama. This grading of skills allows for a smooth transition into GCSE Drama where the components focus on Devising, Performing and Analysis.

During Year 9, Students explore all of their final exam components through a range of workshops and mock assessments. By the end of Year 9, they will be in the best position for completing their final exams in Year 10 and 11. The three terms include a focus on ‘AN INTRODCUTION TO DEVISING’, ‘WORKSHOPS FOR SCRIPT EXPLORATION’ and ‘CONVENTIONS, PRACTITIONERS AND STYLES’. In year 10 students will then complete their Component 1 & 2 exam which focuses on the use of devising from a stimulus and completing a written portfolio. This is then followed by Component 3 and Component 4 in Year 11 where students perform a set text and complete their written exam which focuses on their analysis skills.

The overall aim for Drama and Performing is for every lesson that students attend to either support them with life-long skills or give them the knowledge and understanding to achieve their best in GCSE Drama.

Key Features

Drama Curriculum

Baseline Assessment and Initial SkillsStimulus (The Sea)An Introduction to DevisingComponent 1 & 2 (Devising from a Stimulus and Portfolio Exploration)Component 3
Component 3 (Performing from a Script)
Introduction to SkillsPage to Stage (Blood Brothers)Workshops for script explorationComponent 1 & 2 (Devising from a Stimulus and Portfolio Exploration)Component 3 (Performing from a Script)
StorytellingPhysical TheatreConventions, Practitioners and StyleComponent 4 (Written Exam technique and Live Theatre Review)Component 4 (Written Exam technique and Live Theatre Review)

OCR GCSE Practical Drama

Responding to a stimulusStage TypesObjectives of a script
Voice: Tone, Pause, Pace, PitchExposition, Climax, ResolutionLine Learning
NarrativeVoice: Accent, LanguageCreative Intentions
Still Images & Thought TracksPhysical TheatreSet, Lights, Props, Costume
Use of SpaceStatus and TensionAtmosphere and Audience
RelationshipsTheatre in EducationRehearsal Techniques
Body Language, Gesture, Facial ExpressionsStyles and PractitionersRelationships with others and self

OCR GCSE Theory Drama

Portfolio WritingSymbolismSocial, Political, Historical, Cultural Context
Mind MappingAnalysis of scriptsGiven Circumstances
Writing Technique for explanation of processPortfolio EntriesAnalysis of professional work
Research TechniqueAdvanced ResearchCreative Intentions
Stimulus ReactionStyles and PractitionersDissecting of scripts
Exam TechniqueExam TechniqueExam Technique

Extra Opportunities


Drama 5 Year Curriculum

View Curriculum Plan